Browsing Category Current Events

I’m really milking this old lady/senior thing

My deception started innocently enough. Well, truthfully, it was not really a deception as I really am an old lady and senior citizen. The thing is, I’m discovering all kinds of ways to work my age into everyday advantages. When I need help with my electronic devices (which happens way too frequently) I find I get much better service if I fake an old lady’s…

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Still living the COVID life and liking it

Now that we’ve pretty much fully eased back into our pre-Covid lifestyles, I have a confession to make. I am still practising COVID behaviours about 95 % of the time. The reason is simple; it agrees with me and I rather like the slower pace and other lifestyle changes. Most people are thrilled to be back on the golf course, the tennis and pickleball courts,…

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What would happen if I torched all my tech?

As a baby boomer, I am old enough to remember life before cell phones, WiFI, computers, even electric typewriters. Like taking a drug or some kind of medication, there is always a side effect or downside to the benefits of using these so-called life-saving inventions. Five of my tech devices crapped out this week. The inconvenience and stress associated with sorting out the problems are…

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Instagram is spying on my love life

I have recently decided to join the twenty-first century and dabble in Instagram, and quite honestly, I wish I had never started. I rarely share personal information or pictures on Facebook or IG. I only signed on to hopefully expand the readership of my blog, BoomerBroadcast and covertly snoop on other people. Instagram and Facebook have now become my prime sources of fashion inspiration since…

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Work friendships: relationships that keep on giving

An article in the Sunday New York Times by Emma Goldberg titled The Magic of Your First Work Friends struck a chord with me as I was reading about how intense and long-lasting these friendships may become. What starts out as sharing a workplace can evolve into a friendship more enduring and fulfilling than we ever envisioned. There is a reason I have strong opinions on…

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How to keep track of husbands and other incidentals

When my husband lost/misplaced his primary credit card twice in a two-week period I decided it was time to take action. If you have ever lost a credit card, or worse, had it stolen you know what a nightmare that can be. Apart from the threat of a stranger racking up thousands of dollars of expenditures on your card, your entire financial life has to…

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